Sr. Fairboard

The Senior Fair Board is one of the governing bodies of the Ottawa County Fair. Other groups, such as the Junior Fair Board and Livestock Sale Committee report to the Senior Fair Board and are considered governed by them. The Senior Fair Board maintains and upkeeps the fair grounds, ultimately decides events at the Fair, and are in charge of all non-youth oriented activities and open shows.
The Ottawa County Ag. Society Director election will take place on Sunday, July 21, 2024 from 12 p.m.-4 p.m.
Message from the Fair Board...
The Ottawa County Fair is a small county fair in Northern Ohio, located just outside of Oak Harbor. Although a small, our Fair contains rich history for many of our fairgoers that have spent many generations in our barns. Most will tell you that on the fairgrounds is where they learned some of life's most valuable lessons. Each year our dedicated board members sit around the table with a goal of producing a Fair that will allow your children and grandchildren to have the same experiences that we all had in those very same barns. This year, we are excited to welcome back fairgoers and help each of you once again find the joy for your county fair. The 58th annual Ottawa County Fair will be one that is remembered forever for the memories made, the events held, and the opportunities presented. We hope you will join us in creating the Fair that you once roamed with smiles, cotton candy, and your family and friends..
God Bless,
Ottawa County Senior Fair Board
2024 Directors & Officer Team
President: Zak Avers
Vice President: Sherri Kleinhans
Second Vice President: Mike Libben
Treasurer: Jodi Regal
Secretary: Amy Risch