Livestock Sale Committee
Mission Statement
The Sale Committee’s mission is to conduct an industry standard livestock sale with the primary goal of obtaining the best price for the Exhibitors through attraction of Buyers from all over Ottawa County.
Vision Statement
To educate Exhibitors on industry standards expected of sale in coordination with the Livestock Superintendents and inform the buyers of the Junior Fair Livestock Sale process through advertising and promotion. The Committee will answer directly to the Senior Fair Board.
Committee Members
Chairperson: Amy Risch
Sr. Fairboard Representative: Amy Risch
Treasurer: Deb Meek
Secretary: Julie Sprague
Marketing Kayla Laubacher
Sale Clerk: Nicole Glaser
Livestock Sale
Questions, comments, concerns, or to help with the Livestock Sale may be directed to any member on the committee or to the Sale Chair, Amy Risch. Email communications can be sent to oclivestocksale@gmail.com.